Saturday, July 30, 2011


Luckily this was our last night on vacation since the bed rail split while reading before bed.  I heard a cracking noise like a tree trying to fall and looked over the side of the bed, next thing I knew the bed and myself were on the ground.

Out on the Lake

Went out on the boat today and had a blast! Rode on a giant inflatable 3-person raft behind the boat, got thrown off multiple times and swallowed lots of lake water. I learned that I needed to wear the cut off socks on my elbows because I didn't at first and now my elbows are all scuffed up.

I did not jump off "jumping rock" but mom, Walker, and the kids did. I did attempt the rope swing. I kinda did a run down the slick clay hill and splash out into the water trial run. Never did a fo sho rope swing. It was the best my tired arms could do. The video of both mine and mom's attempts did bring laughing tears to everyone's eyes when we played it back. I worked on my suntan.

We came back and unloaded and Clay came out with us to watch Walker and Jim surf behind the boat.

Jim's boat makes a big enough wave behind it to surf without having to hold onto a rope after you get up. It was so fun watching them, and they made it look so easy that I decided to give it a shot. I drank a lot more lake water several times and never even made it vertical on the board. I may try again tomorrow. I realized after coming in for dinner that my suntan was actually a sunburn, so I can mark soaking up more rays from my to do list tomorrow.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Deer on a Walk

Art Time With Johannah

The theme was owls, obviously. Johannah's owl has a great beginning! Mine, on the other hand....

can you say "preschool?" I had high hopes for my owl/birdie combo but was of course disappointed with the result. I am a fan of art but not much of an artist!

More Baby Norah

What Family Vacation Looks Like

Lots of smiles!

Exorbitant amounts of coffee.

Aunt Johannah working it out on the gee-tar.

Pajamas still at 4:27 PM? you say. Yes, thank you! Equally late nights balance everything out. I did actually wake up before noon. I think it was even as early as 10 this morning.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Little Norah

Little cousin Norah and I share the same birthday. I got to meet her for the first time yesterday. I am working up the steep learning curve of what to do with little babies. This is not something that I am experienced in and I am on a crash course =)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Headed to Vacation

Trying to make it before sun down.

Love funny road names and towns on road trips.

Rockstar beverage, essential for any road trip.

Align Center

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Went to see the band Flearoy tonight with the hubby. They are a neat bluesy type band, I give them a 2 thumbs up!! Do yourself a favor and check them out.

Friday, July 22, 2011

After a Long Shift

I am off work for a much needed vacay but in memory of those long hours I thought I would post some sleepy drive home pics. This was all I could do to stay awake one morning after getting off. We work 12 hour shifts, however with nursing sometimes you just cannot finish what needs to be done in 12 and unfortunately things often go bad at shift change ending up in 13-16 hour shifts. YAWN!

The old eye-prop. Not very effective that morning I might add.

The slap in the face, also not very effective that morning except to make me laugh and then right back to being sleepy.

Tried and true, can't even make it out of the car and into the house so I'll just take a quick nap in the driveway =) I am sure the neighbors wonder about me. Now I am off to enjoy my sleep filled lazy vacation.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Longest Distance Yet

Headed out this morning with a goal to go farther than I have gone before. In hindsight, I probably should have headed out earlier than 8:30 but all in all it turned out well. I walked a lot and did intervals of walking/running. I made it 6.3 miles in 1 hour and 25 minutes. I do an out and back from my house so I don't have any option but to finish after I get out there which definitely helps.

Monday, July 11, 2011

New Earrings

I love BIRDS!

Open Sky puchase

Have tried 2 of these so far, the mulberry and tropical. I was super excited because I love mulberries but can hardly find anything made with them and have never found them for sale anywhere. The tropical was actually my favorite of the 2 so far though, it is out of this world. Sharp flavors, just sweet enough and a hint of saltiness.