We got up, had breakfast a la Eric, and loaded the vehicles. Off we went to drop the last vehicle at Waterworks park. We put in at Pope's Ferry, the river was listed at 4.5' at Dame's Ferry and around 1500cfs. The run started out pretty good, but we quickly started running into shoals which became the story of the day.
What we thought would be a 3-4 hour trip kept getting longer and longer, eventually ending at 7 hours. What took the most time was Clay and Eric and mom getting stuck on rock after rock. Mom and Eric dumped out at one point, losing her glasses and her chewbacca shirt. Even though it was a long stretch it was one of the prettiest parts of the river. I would like to do it again, but Clay isn't so sure. He thinks maybe if the river was another 1.5 feet higher.
There were beautiful rocky outcroppings and sections with homes on the banks which provided some eye candy.
By the time we got finished we were so hungry we each devoured Five Guys burgers and fries in record breaking time.