On Saturday we went to a shooting competition for Clay in Conyers. He did really well, can't wait to see the results. Luckily he finished up before the downpour started. We had an uneventful rest of the day with some shopping at Target (complete with pumpkin spice and chai at Starbucks), Petsmart (had a friends and family discount), and had some good food at Jim n' Nick's bar-b-que. We tried on crazy Halloween foam hair at Target to entertain ourselves. Clay even found an hilarious mask of a giant eyeball.
Today we went fishing. We caught a LOT of brim and threw them back, eventually Clay found the right spot on the pond where the catfish were hiding and started catching them back to back. He got about 5 total, 2 were big enough to keep and Clay had them in a bucket. I think he felt bad for me since I kept "checking on them" and let them go before we left. No fish for us for supper, which was ok because we already had stroganoff cooked at home. I got my run in today and went for another 2 miler this afternoon that was fast for me.